Updates and Teasers

Teaser post about what is to come.


Well I added a few choices for themes, lets see how this one goes after awhile. Definitely going to have to start looking into if there is a way to synchronize user accounts between WordPress and OwnCloud. I would like to have the same logins for both, single sign on would be really cool but doubtful it would work. I guess I have some research to do.

Coming Soon

Anyway as for what is going to be coming soon, I think in the near future I am going to start playing Space Engineers and give my initial thoughts on that game. I think an “About Me” page is also on the list of things that I am going to need to add. I have also had a lot of people in my classes ask me about my Surface Pro 2, so I’ll add a more detailed opinion on that.

A bit about me

A few quick things about me are: I’m a full-time student, employee, father, and husband, so free time isn’t exactly something I have a lot of. I’m hoping that I can at least catch some people’s interest with my random opinion blogs.

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